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Building A Strong Foundation

It's not as simple as pouring concrete and watching it dry. It requires prayer, unwavering faith, a detailed plan, skilled workers, lots of time and even a few dreaded inspections.

I walked outside to see a strange man working on our house. In that moment, I did not know that he was going to be the answer to our prayers after several months of crying and pleading with God. He became contractor number three for a project that was suppose to take a few months not two years and cost us a few thousand dollars not clean out our entire savings account.


This stranger had met our second contractor during an Uber ride and was hired to work on our house. After explaining all the drama we have been through, he decided to help by bringing on an expert team. We have had to undo and re-do almost everything to build a solid foundation for our house. As they rebuild our home, my husband and I had to do the same for our marriage and faith.

The financial and emotional strain took a toll on our marriage. We prayed for guidance before starting the project and questioned whether God wanted us to do this work. We prayed during the chaos (i.e. the first few contractors asking for more and more money, not passing several inspections because the work was not up to code, etc.). We wavered after making certain decisions not knowing if they were in God's will.

We continue to pray, but with skilled workers on our team and with a better perspective. We have learned that 1) God is with us no matter if others disappoint us, 2) He will send help at the right time and place, and 3) Building a strong foundation, physically and spiritually, is possible when we follow God's words. He reminds us that “anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock." (Matthew 7:24-25)

- Contributed by AM.

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Fiona Harewood
Fiona Harewood
Mar 11, 2019

Thank God for being that solid rock and firm foundation!

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