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God Made Me Cry


It snows heavily in my area and I dread the thought of cleaning my car out of snow. Especially since becoming a full-time caregiver to my mom (a full-blown Alzheimers patient). This often takes the wind out of my sail. BUT THERE IS A GOD WHO KEEPS CLOSE WATCH.

I've noticed whenever it snows, by the time I peek out the window my car is already cleaned. The first time I saw it, It was after a major snowstorm that dumped a few feet of snow. I remember being shocked that God had sent angels from heaven to dig out my car, while all other cars were covered in snow.I remember feeling overcome with amazement at the sight 😁. And then it kept on happening.

This evening, my neighbor who's a German American, correction officer connected with me to say, he cleans my car when it snows, because he's moved by my caring for my mom and doesn't want me to worry about one more thing. As he spoke, my eyes welled up with tears. GOD KNOWS!

He and his wife have been amazingly kind to me.

And it's not because I am a pastor, since they still do not know I am a Pastor. This detail has not been disclosed. I simply introduced myself as Josie one year ago.

'Be not dismayed, whatever betide - God will take care of you.'

- Contributed by JF

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