"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it." 1 Corinthians 9:24

As I laid on the floor in pain gasping for air, I cried out to God. You see, I was a runner at a very young age and always did great in Track and Field. However, I struggled to pass my exams to get into high school. After several months, I finally got an athletic scholarship, but all the races were on Saturdays (Sabbath).
My family was Seventh Day Adventist so I should not have been competing on the Sabbath. I competed anyways and eventually got a scholarship to college. While in college, I represented Jamaica in the Olympics and attended the World University Games, Pan-American Games, etc. I did very well in Track and Field, but never felt comfortable competing on Sabbath when I should have been at church.
Wow! Sometimes God uses tough love to save us! Thank you, Lord!